Listing #5537113

It's purpose.” I host a podcast and wrote a book to deliver this message as far and wide as I can. I built a 7 figure business as a creative and then became a ...


Website Performance

observedLoad 1.43 Sec
observedTimeOrigin 0 Sec
observedLastVisualChangeTs 1541325744063
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFrames 0.5 Sec
observedCumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
firstContentfulPaint 0.75 Sec
observedDomContentLoaded 0.5 Sec
largestContentfulPaint 1.23 Sec
interactive 2.16 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFramesTs 1541324922274
observedSpeedIndex 0.77 Sec
observedTotalCumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaintAllFrames 0.78 Sec
observedTraceEnd 3.9 Sec
observedTimeOriginTs 1541324138063
totalBlockingTime 0.06 Sec
observedDomContentLoadedTs 1541324632963
observedTraceEndTs 1541328037878
observedFirstPaint 0.5 Sec
totalCumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
observedSpeedIndexTs 1541324907038
observedFirstVisualChange 0.49 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaintAllFramesTs 1541324635621
observedFirstContentfulPaintTs 1541324635621
observedNavigationStart 0 Sec
observedLastVisualChange 1.61 Sec
observedFirstMeaningfulPaint 0.67 Sec
cumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame 0 Sec
observedLargestContentfulPaintTs 1541324922274
observedLargestContentfulPaint 0.78 Sec
observedFirstVisualChangeTs 1541324627063
speedIndex 1.22 Sec
observedFirstContentfulPaint 0.5 Sec
observedLoadTs 1541325567624
firstMeaningfulPaint 0.94 Sec
observedFirstMeaningfulPaintTs 1541324802864
observedCumulativeLayoutShiftMainFrame 0 Sec
cumulativeLayoutShift 0 Sec
observedFirstPaintTs 1541324635621
maxPotentialFID 0.09 Sec
observedNavigationStartTs 1541324138063
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